
Tuesday 8 November 2011

The Nameless Child

I am 31 weeks pregnant with Baby D3, a boy this time! I have 2 little girls aged 1 and 4 so my world is very much PinkI am very excited to be having a boy and he will be a very loved addition to the family.

We have known he was a boy since our 20 week scan and our picture leaves this in no doubt whatsoever. This leaves the BIG question what do we call him? We have gone through, what feels like, every name under the sun and, still, we don't have a name we absolutely love. I fear the child may be nameless for quite sometime.

A friend of the family recently had the first baby girl after a long line of boys and there was much excitement about this. They, like us, found out the gender of the baby at the 20 week scan. 20 weeks later and the announcement of her arrival filters through but she is nameless. 3 weeks later and still no name. The bigD and I just cannot quite get our heads round this and say things like "It's not like they didn't know they were having a girl!" I now think there is a very strong possibility we will be in exactly the same situation in 9 weeks, or so, time.

It's not like we can't agree, it's just that there is nothing out there we love. We have a (long-ish) short list and we will more than likely just have to wait until we get to know him and see what fits best.


  1. We've known both of ours were boys before they were born but we've waited to meet them to see what their name is.... makes total sense to me.  That has to be the clearest scan I've ever seen!! ;-)

  2. Laura, reading your blogs makes me want to start writing one myself. Such a pleasure to read them x

  3. I think that is really the best idea.  

    With D1 we has a definite short list but no final decision was made until she arrived.  D2's name was set in stone as D1 cottoned on too quickly and used her name from the second we mentioned it but it took a few months for her to grow into it.  I would just feel happier if we could get the list down to 2 or 3 favourites.

  4. Thanks Emma.  You should give it a go - it's good fun.

    P.S.  Just edited your comment - Only to take my name off though. 

    We need a coffee date soon. x x

  5. First visit to your blog coming via Britmums and the Blog Every Day challenge thing.  Both our sons' names started as jokes but stuck.  Cavanagh and Ramsey.  Hope you find the right name.  My daughter's name came to me in a dream

  6. Thanks for visiting.  I wish this name would come to me in a dream!  My girl's are named after pets I had as a child (shhh) unfortunately there are no suitable male pet names to choose from!


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