I 100% breastfed my 2 girls. I fed D1 until she was about 18months and I must say it was me that forced the weaning process - I regretted this almost as soon as she stopped asking and tried to reinstate it. She was having none of it and totally appeared to have lost the ability to nurse. That was the end of that.

With D2 I was determined to undo my wrongs and do things differently. As some of you may know by now, I am 31 weeks Pregnant with Number 3. Around 24 weeks into the pregnancy D2 was barely nursing at all and when she did show an interest is was for, literally, seconds at a time. At this point she would have only been 15 months - A little young for self weaning. One day she just looked at me and said "Gone".
I tried hand expressing. Nothing! Out came the breastpump. Nothing! I had dried up - I have since read that this is quite normal for that stage of pregnancy. I felt terrible. I cried. I felt that I had failed. I felt guilty for being pregnant again and that I was depriving her of her needs. She continued to ask for "booby" on the odd occasion and I would always oblige but it was only ever for a few seconds.
I was 29 weeks and my breasts almost changed overnight. Woohoo. My milk had returned, only it was more colostrum than milk. D2 was still asking on the odd occasion and this time would suckle for, perhaps, about a minute. After a minute she was pulling off, screwing her face up and declaring it "YUK".
Two nights ago I realised she hadn't asked for 24hours so I asked if she wanted some booby. The answer was the most definite "NO" I have ever heard. I must say I feel a little better about this, I feel that I am producing something beautiful and nutritious and if she doesn't want it then it's not my fault. Don't get me wrong I am still gutted as I was determined to reach at LEAST the 2 year mark, as recommended by the world health organization, and I would have like to experience tandem feeding.
Does anyone else have experience of breastfeeding whilst pregnant?