Monday, 28 November 2011

Dear Car Driver

Picture the scene... You are driving along in your car when you spot a harassed looking, heavily pregnant mum standing on the pavement waiting to cross the road with a buggy, some shopping bags and a 4 year old in tow. You feel sorry for her so you stop your car and wave her across. She glares at you , tries to tell you something you probably can't hear and makes some funny looking hand gestures. You get all confused, confusion turns to frustration and you drive off in a huff - "There's NO helping some people. STUPID woman".

No. Let me tell you this, the woman really isn't stupid. She is trying to teach her 4 year old a bit of road safety with the biggest lesson being do NOT cross the road in front of a car!
Photo by Flickr user (Dominic's pics)
So. Dear car driver, next time you see an adult accompanied by small child waiting to cross the road PLEASE DO NOT stop your car and wave them accross - They are, most probably, trying to educate their children and it really really is not helpful. NOT helpful at all.  If said situation arises at a pelican crossing, it is especially not helpful to hoot and beep and try to encourage them to cross before the little green man appears. If you really must be helpful then save it for little old ladies, they, I am sure, will be very grateful and appreciative.

I hope that we have cleared a few things up and we understand one another better.

Kind Regards,
Harrassed Mum of 2 (and a half)


  1. Well said Laura - that is really frustrating and i continually stand there will others run over the road or cars stop to let you over when the RED man is glaring telling my kids not to cross until the GREEN man appears.

  2. Hi M4ndi,  Thank you.  Drives me mad too (as you probably guessed, ha ha). Just took my name off hence the (edited by a moderator) bit.  Hope your all good must have a chat over FB/Skype soon x x

  3. Hi M4ndi,  Thank you.  Drives me mad too (as you probably guessed, ha ha). Just took my name off hence the (edited by a moderator) bit.  Hope your all good must have a chat over FB/Skype soon x x

  4. OMG I thought I was the only one who thought this.  Drives me nuts.  Some drivers do it on really busy roads causing complete mayhem.... what are they thinking.

  5. Even worse are the drivers who wave you across when you know it's not safe, only to find another car coming out of nowhere. I know people are trying to be helpful but pedestrians can assess for themselves whether its safe or not. Drivers should just keep going and stick to the rules - If they do that, everyone else can read the situation so much better. Good rant!!

  6. Oh blimey, that's so true. People do stop more for prams I've noticed. But you're right it's not going to help children know they have to wait.
    I worry so much about the roads. It's so hard to teach little ones that they're dangerous. When you've got the pram it's much harder to keep track of the older one too. I worry about cars pulling out of drives too.

    Thanks so much for linking up. You're welcome any time. Virtual tea and sympathy for you.


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