Outside my window...
It is grey and dreary - The central heating is on.
I am thinking...
How peaceful the house feels with the BigD and the LittleD's at Dad's Club and how much more peaceful it could feel if the housework were done already.
I am thankful...
For a wonderful, caring and loyal husband, Two beautiful daughters and for the new life growing inside my tummy.
In the kitchen...
A mess awaits my attention.
I am wearing...
My comfiest maternity yoga pants/jogging bottoms. I am yet to run a brush through my hair.
I am creating...
A blog - A new project for me. Hopefully my daughters (and son-to-be) will look back in years to come and appreciate the stories, pictures and anecdotes of their lives. A kind of diary if you like.
I am going...
To crack on with some housework once I have finished this post - Honest I am.
I am wondering...
If the D's are having a good time at Dad's club and what we can do with the rest of the day that will be productive.
I am reading...
Or perhaps, I should say, I have started... about 3 books in the last year and finished non of them. I have a Husband, 2 and a half children and not enough time to read as well. I must make time to do more of this.
I am hoping...
The housework fairies have sneaked in through the back door when I get downstairs. I am a dreamer.
I am looking forward to...
The future and to meeting my new son in early January 2012
I am hearing...
Silence. Punctuated with the odd sound from the washing machine downstairs. Bliss!
Around the house...
There is a lot of work that needs doing - every room in fact! We have been here less than a year and achieved, quite frankly, not a lot!
I am pondering...
I am ALWAYS pondering.
One of my favorite things...
Sitting alone in a coffee shop, a steaming cup of strong black coffee with lots of froth on top in one hand a book in the other. I haven't done this in months, perhaps years!
A few plans for the rest of the week:
To keep up with NaBloPoMo and also to sell some of the girl's out grown clothes on ebay to raise some, much needed, funds for Christmas.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
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